Early Learning With Priddy Books

I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. My daughters love books so I had to jump on this opportunity, especially since Delilah is 2 now and eager to learn and absorb information all of the time. Priddy books are great for younger ages because they have bright colors, fun images and some have texturized pages to heighten…

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Headed to Seaside Oregon in the Chevy Bolt EV for National Drive Electric Week

If you follow along on my Instagram page, you probably saw that we were contacted to try out the Chevy Bolt EV for National Drive Electric week that occurred Sep 25-Oct 3rd. I had been wanting to try out cars anyway because my husband is in the market to buy a new vehicle for himself since my current one is now paid off, and what better way to decide what we want other than testing new cars for a week…

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What You Need When Camping With Kids

Although camping season is just about over, it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead and be prepared, especially if you’re in the PNW where the weather is iffy at any point in time. We didn’t get a chance to camp a whole lot this year for obvious reasons, but we did do a couple of camp trips at Goose Lake and another in a yurt at the beach.  Both of those trips usually end up in overpacking stuff that we may…

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Things You Can Do to Boost Your Immune System Before and After a Pandemic

Since we’re all being affected by this pandemic scare that has some of us panicking, I figured I would share some tips to help keep your immune system up. This is NOT medical advice and I don’t claim to be a doctor. This is healthy living advice. There has been so much conflicting information, but one thing I have gathered about this new strain of Coronavirus is that it can’t survive over 60 degrees heat. So enjoy the sun and…

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World Breastfeeding Week: My Breastfeeding Journey Is Ending

Although World Breastfeeding Week ends today, I wanted to hop on here and talk about my experience thus far as a breastfeeding mom. You can check out my previous post here and here when I first started and get a little back story. If I knew then what I knew now, I think my story would be a little different. I feel like I was almost sabotaging myself with my breastfeeding journey as a new mom. But, I have also…

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