I’m Almost Down 10lbs!

So far while being on Nutrisystem, I have lost 9.6lbs. Not exactly the huge accomplishment that I would have expected while being on it for 3 weeks, but it is better than nothing for sure. Typically you only lose around 1lb a week on it anyways, so I guess I am “technically” ahead. These 3 weeks have not been that hard really, since I think my stomach has shrunk and gotten used to the smaller correctly portioned meals. I am…

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Nutrisystem #NSNation: Week 2

I was on the Nutrisystem forum trying to meet new people, and one person told me not to expect to lose the same amount each week and to not worry if its lower than the previous. Well needless to say, she was correct. This week I have only lost 1.8lbs, and I ask myself, did I already hit a stalling point? Don’t get me wrong, I am happy to have lost anything, but I guess I expected it to be…

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Nutrisystem #NSNation: Week 1

I have made it through my first week of Nutrisystem and I must say it was rather tough the first 3 days!! I was getting monsterous headaches from adjusting to smaller portioned meals, but so far they have seemed to calm down. It may have partly been due to the fact I was also stressing out this week about school, since it’s pretty much full time work. Either way, I am good! The first day of eating Nutrisystem, I noticed…

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I Have a Piggy a.k.a. Shit Machine

  My sister about a month ago asked if I would take her Guinea Pig, because she would no longer be able to take it and keep it at her new apt, as she already had 2 cats and a small dog. I figured what the hell, my cat could use a new friend, since she gets lonesome sometimes. They were great at first, but now my cat is starting to be a little more playful than Roxie (the guinea…

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Who Ya Gonna Call? Ghost Busters!

Is anyone else out there addicted to these crazy ass ghost hunter shows. It’s the only one I watch religiously, because they try to debunk stuff as they see it and if they can’t find a logical reason for it happening, then it’s most likely real. Call me insane, but I like knowing what happens to us after we pass on. It gives me a sense of closure, knowing that we’ll probably be just fine and won’t exactly be “nothing”…

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