Week 7 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program – 15.6lb lost!

At the beginning of week 7, I was down to a 16.2 lb loss, but I seem to fluctuate between a lb almost everyday, so I am not really surprised that it ended up being less at 15.6lbs for the week. The good thing is, I finally found an elliptical at Sports Authority, since I had an extra 20% off coupon on Saturday. Then I noticed that the same exact elliptical we bought was on sale the next day on…

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Week 6 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program

I thought this week I was going to kick some butt in the weight loss department since I was down to 215.2lbs 4 days ago. But apparently my scale decided to be evil/deceiving and put me up like 1.5 lbs the following day. Oh well, I will take any kind of loss, just was wishful that it would be more this week. I was hoping to incorporate some physical activity this week besides running errands all day, but that didn’t…

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Week 5 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program

I thought I was going to do horrible this week while on Nutrisystem, since I went out again and had a couple drinks at the bar, along with a chipotle chicken wrap and a side salad. I don’t feel too guilty about this, since I was having a very stressful day dealing with some family issues and needed to get out of the house and not worry about that disaster for at least an hour or two. Aside from all…

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Week 4 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program

This weekend I went on a little trip to the beach to hang out with the fam, and I knew I would be led into temptations of eating unhealthy if I didn’t pack along my Nutrisystem food. We did end up going out to dinner at Sizzler and I made sure I checked over all the calorie information, as well as what I shouldn’t and should stay away from there. Obviously the deep fried onion rings were a no-no at…

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Week 3 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Weight Loss Program

I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks so far while being on Nutrisystem. Seems like the time is flying by fast, but I guess it does that regardless. This week, I didn’t lose any real weight until I woke up on the scale today and noticed a 1lb drop. The whole entire week, I was only down .4lbs and I was following the meal plans religiously. That was until the Superbowl was on. We had a UFC party the night…

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