My Video Card Wants My Soul

I have been having the worst couple of weeks ever. A couple months ago, I decided I needed to order a video card, more specifically the hot beast EVGA Nvidia GTX 480 since my 4850 was locking up on me during game play. I went with that one because it was the best bang for the buck; $210 to be exact. Normally I am cheap, but you cannot be cheap in the gaming world or it will greatly hinder your…

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Week 23 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program

Since I was on summer break, I tried to work out on the elliptical every day. Sometimes it was daunting, and sometimes I just got the spurt to get up and do it, which made it easy of course since I had this unknown energy. I decided I need to work on my incline and set it at 75% instead of my usual 25%. To me, it doesn’t really feel like going uphill, but it surely does work your legs…

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If It Costs Money, Then It’s Not Really Free!

There’s nothing more annoying than stumbling upon a freebie site after seeing a catchy title that says, “HOT: 2 FREE ITEMS” only to be bummed, because it’s not really free. If you have to spend money in order to get something free, then it’s not free and should not be advertised as such. This is why you will not see me share any Walgreens or Rite Aid deals because they for the most part, require you to spend money to…

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Down 32lbs and Counting!

As the blog title states, I am down 32lbs, but probably not so much after this night of drinking red bull and vodka. Damn the empty calories in booze. Luckily though I drank calorie free red bull, so I’m good there at least! If it wasn’t for my damn birthday, I think I would be down to probably 195lbs instead of 198 from 230. But I will take what I can get. Nutrisystem will be over in a month, but I will be…

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Cinco De Mayo

This last weekend, we had dinner plans with our usual party friends for Cinco De Mayo. So of course we had Mexican style food, and I made margarita cupcakes that were pretty delish. But after this night, I am starting to question where we stand with them as people. They were pretty much talking behind one of their good friends back about how his girlfriend is horrible and they hate her, bash bash bash. I have met the girl, I…

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