Holiday Gift Guide for 4 Year Olds

A few hot items this year for kids in the preschool age bracket This is just a general quick gift guide for 4-year-olds since my youngest is now 4. It will reflect the things she has been interested in and may not be what your children enjoy.   1. Cotton Candy Machine One of the things my daughter has been asking for is one of these Cotton Candy Machines so we got one from Hawaiian Shaved Ice! It is so…

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Gatsby Chocolate is Tasty and Good for You

“I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. This post may contain affiliate links.” When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. I know chocolate is a favorite by many, but I love chocolate in all flavors and forms! And one of my current favorites is Gatsby Chocolate since it has the decadence of premium chocolate but with significantly less calories and sugar. Did you know that dark chocolate has these…

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How to Boost Your Immune System by Starting With Your Gut Health

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. What do think about when you read the words “GUT HEALTH”? Is it fiber and water? Veggie cleanse? Maybe probiotics and prebiotic? I used to think it was so simple! Your digestive track is completely made up of bacteria good and bad! Ever heard the word micro-biome or leaky gut?…

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Breath Right With FEND

 I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. This post may contain affiliate links. I am sure we have all experienced breathing issues at one point or another, whether we’re sick or just from everyday contaminants that we’re constantly inhaling. My nostrils aren’t the widest so I sometimes have to use breathing strips at night to open up my airways to get a decent amount of air so that I am…

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Wildlife Safari in Oregon: Our Weekend Getaway Post

Have you ever been to the wildlife safari in Oregon? I knew when my birthday came around that we would probably do another trip to Winston Wildlife Safari since Arya didn’t really remember the first trip and Delilah had never been yet. We all love animals, so it seemed like the best choice as a weekend getaway. I decided to keep it simple and book the last place we stayed at since it was family-friendly and fun, which is surprisingly…

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