Hemp and Chia Poop Emoji Yogurt-Sicles

Hemp and Chia Poop Emoji Yogurt-Sicles

It’s summer, it’s hot and you need something cool to get you through the sweltering heat; make up some tasty hemp and chia poop emoji yogurt-sicles for you and the littles!

I actually found these while walking around Walmart. They were in a middle aisle in a giant bin for less than $2; score!

I know, I know… this is actually an ice cream emoji, but kids and most of the internet claim its poop. I’m okay with poop.

I could have been super gross and made these into fudge poopsicles, but I wanted it to be somewhat healthy for my toddler since she likes eating 2-3 a day.

Don’t judge…


Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain 4 grams of protein and 11 grams of dietary fiber. That’s over 40 percent of your daily fiber needs! They’re also a good source of good fat.


Two tablespoons of hemp seeds provide 10 grams of protein and four percent of your daily fiber needs. Like chia seeds, hemp seeds are high in fat (13 grams per serving).

They’re essentially a really great source of fiber, protein, fat, minerals, calcium and antioxidants.

Hemp and Chia Poop Emoji Yogurt-Sicles

I made orange-cream for this particular batch of poop emoji yogurt-sicles, but I am always changing it up and using different fruits for different varieties.


1 cup of Greek honey vanilla yogurt
1 cup of 100% pulp free orange juice
1 tablespoon of chia and hemp seeds
1 banana
4 large ice cubes

Mix all ingredients together in a blender and blend for 30-40 seconds.

Pour them into your Poop Emoji Yogurt-Sicle molds from Walmart and stick them in the freezer for 3-4 hours until they’ve hardened.

When time to eat, stick the mold under hot water for 30 seconds to loosen it up. These buggers are hard to get out unless you do this!

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  1. / 2:59 AM

    I’ve made yogurt pops before but never added chia and/or hemp seeds. Great way to make a healthy snack even healthier.

  2. valmg @ Mom Knows It All
    / 5:40 AM

    I’ll bet those pop molds will be hot with that emoji movie! These pop sounds like they’d have an interesting texture.

  3. candy
    / 6:53 AM

    Ice pops or whatever name you want to call them are always a big hit around here. Been so hot and humid that this would be a great cooling and refreshing treat. Plus good for everyone.

  4. / 7:14 AM

    This hemp and chia yogurt popsicle recipe look delicious. I am pretty sure my kids would get a kick of this emoji.

  5. / 12:32 PM

    The things we do for our kids! Have to be honest, my kids would totally love these! Cute idea!

  6. Kim
    / 12:43 PM

    These sound delicious, not to mention healthy. I would eat them myself.

  7. / 2:10 PM

    These yogourt pops sound really healthy with the added chia seeds. I’ll have to make them for my nieces and nephew!

  8. Mimi Green
    / 7:59 PM

    My kids are obsessed with the poop emoji. They also love yogurt they would get a kick out of this. And at least I can take comfort in knowing it is a healthy snack.

  9. / 1:14 AM

    I like anything that is healthy and taste good. Great for both kids and adults.

  10. / 7:01 AM

    The orange cream pops look delicious and I like that you sprinkled hemp and chia seeds to make them extra healthy! I bet it is tastier with the chia seeds, too! I’m a fan of chia and will have to try this recipe!

  11. / 9:05 AM

    Wonderfully healthy and looks like tasty hemp and chia yogurt popsicle recipe look delicious. And very interesting, for me to try! 🙂

  12. / 11:46 AM

    I have been looking for a ‘better’ idea for hemp and chia! Thank you, we as a family are shifting very slowly to being pescatarians! Very slowly….

  13. Kimberly @ Berly's Kitchen
    / 11:49 AM

    These sound great for a healthy dessert option. So cute that they are poop emojis, too! Chia seeds are really good, but I’ve never thought of using them on a popsicle. 🙂

  14. / 11:49 AM

    These are hilarious. Even more hilarious when a poop color, haha! Love the flavors you chose!

  15. Sandy N Vyjay
    / 7:58 PM

    This sounds really healthy. I love the fact that there is a lot of proteins and fibre, the nutrients combined with the flavour of Yogurt make it a really great combination.

  16. Oh yum! Sort of like an orange creamsicle flavor, which is so tasty! I love chia seeds, and love them added to all sorts of things, especially sweets. I’ve been wanting to try out hemp seeds, so this is a good way for me to try that.

  17. / 9:47 AM

    I’ll have to give this a try, love trying new things (and I want my kids to be open to trying new things as well…) I know the emoji shapes will be a hit, esp my son (he loves the poop emoji, of course, it cracks him up!) ; )
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