28 Weeks Pregnant Update

I know in the beginning I complained a lot about being nauseous, I really really hate feeling nauseous. To me, I’d rather puke and just get it over with than feel like I’m going to puke all day long. But I have had a relatively easy pregnancy thus far and I am grateful for that because others aren’t as lucky.


How far along? 28 weeks +1 day today! Baby girl is the size of a large eggplant.

Weight gain?  My weight has been fluctuating. I think she is sucking the calories out of me. But it’s anywhere from 10 -13lb gain so far.

Belly button? In still but I think I was wrong and it’s going to pop out.

Wedding rings on or off? On, haven’t experienced the swelling yet, but I imagine that will kick in as I get further along.

Movement? I feel like I am carrying a baby ninja. Maybe she’ll take after her father and do jiu jitsu.

Maternity clothes? I’m able to wear a pair of my normal jeans cause they’re stretchy, but the maternity ones I bought are much more comfortable since my belly is starting to bulge.

Symptoms? Feeling? I’m feeling dead tired again. I think I may be slightly anemic since my iron levels are just a tad below normal. I hate taking my prenatals though since they make me so constipated. Worst constipation EVER! yes, TMI I know.

Mood? I haven’t really been moody. Not sure what all of the pregnancy mood swing hormones are all about that people talk about but I haven’t experienced it. I did cry a couple times at weird things and random times, but other than that, normal.

Missing? Sleeping comfortably, having an alcoholic beverage, going out without feeling like a Debbie downer. lol I did put the memory foam mattress topper back on the bed so that helped with my body going numb. I can now sleep soundly without tossing and turning every half hour cause of pain.

Looking forward to? Meeting her, and hoping I have a comfortable yet easy labor and delivery. Haha who am I kidding…

Sleep?  Much better after putting the memory foam topper back on the bed.

Exercise? No, although I should probably get a walk in every day.

Any cravings? Spicy and sweet things, but that’s normal for me.

Food aversions? Still none. Never really had any food aversions so far at least. Smells haven’t bothered me and taste hasn’t really bothered me, but sometimes nothing sounds good but of course I eat anyways. Toothpaste, however, makes me gag and that’s the only times I’ve thrown up so far.

Pregnancy Updates

Pregnancy Updates

Nothing new here to report on pregnancy since everything is going as smoothly as possible so far which I am thankful for. Can’t believe we’re almost down to only 14 weeks left. Time seems to be flying by. I’ll have to do another one Thursday when we hit 26 weeks.


My pelvic area will sometimes hurt though, but that’s normal I hear cause it’s beginning to open more to make way for baby. But, it does make for an uncomfortable sleep when you toss and turn and/or walk.

I am feeling intense itching on my legs of all places. Not sure if it’s because of winter dry skin or if it’s related to pregnancy, but it’s driving me bonkers! I feel like I have scabies or something. lol

Other than those minor nuisances, I’ve been okay though.

I finally got around to finishing up Dragon Age 2 and bought the 3rd when it was on sale for $39.99, so I’ll get to start that soon. I figure I might as well finish some games I’ve put off while I’m pregnant and can’t go out. I bought my Wii U, (free might I add) plus some games all just for participating in the Best Buy Wolf Program. I love it! Next thing I’ll be saving up for is a TV, or maybe a PS4 so I’ll have it when Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out at the end of the year. Although, I don’t see myself gaming too much with a new baby, so maybe I’ll just stick to the TV and make the hubby get the ps4. hah.

We have so many things to do before baby gets here, I have a feeling it’s all going to be put off till the last minute then we’ll be in a cram to get it done. I want to get the babies room painted a seafoam green color and decorate with seafoam green, pink and white. It will pretty much match the theme of my baby shower my friend is throwing me.


Can’t wait to get all of this started, but hopefully, first, our master bathroom will be worked on soon so that can be finished up. Unfortunately, hubby’s friend who is doing it hurt his leg so it’s put off a little longer but it should only take a week max. Hopefully, he heals quickly.

22 Weeks Pregnant Today!

Since I seen my friend Katie over at Being Dawson’s Mom doing these little tidbits every week, I decided I shall partake since I am preggers. Might be easier for me to update like this rather than not update at all cause I have no idea what to write out.

*I’ll try to update this with a belly pic tomorrow*

Ever since 17 weeks, I’ve been feeling our bundle of joy roll around and use my innards as a jungle gym. The sensation to me feels like I am on a roller coaster, which of course brings on a small bit of nausea. It’s a weird sensation but a good one cause you know they’re alive and well in there!

Then at 20 weeks I started feeling the kicks and jabs or at least that’s what I am thinking it is. It kind of feels like a bubble popping, nothing painful, but still weird since I’m new to all of this.

How far along? 22 weeks today! Baby girl is the size of a spaghetti squash.

Weight gain?  The last time I was weighed a week ago I was up 7lbs.

Belly button? In, I doubt I’ll have an outtie at any point in my pregnancy cause my belly button seems deep. lol

Wedding rings on or off? On, haven’t experienced the swelling yet, but I imagine that will kick in as I get further along.

Movement? Yep, she’s a wild one in there.

Maternity clothes? I’m able to wear a couple pairs of my normal jeans but the maternity ones I bought are much more comfortable since my belly is starting to bulge.

Symptoms? Feeling? I’m not as tired as I was before, not as nauseous either thankfully. Overall feeling better.

Mood? I haven’t really been moody. Not sure what all of the pregnancy mood swing hormones are all about that people talk about but I haven’t experienced it. I did cry a couple times at weird things and random times, but other than that, normal.

Missing? Having a drink now and then, sleeping comfortably. Even though I am not as big as I am going to get, it’s already uncomfortable sleeping. I have to toss and turn every half an hour because my body goes numb. And I am afraid to sleep on my back because I hear later on in pregnancy that can stop blood flow to the baby, so I am trying not to do that now.

Looking forward to? Meeting her, and hoping I have a comfortable yet easy labor and delivery. Haha who am I kidding…

Sleep?  I sleep but not soundly as explained above.

Exercise? No, although I should probably get a walk in every day.

Any cravings? Mostly sweets now but I had those before I was pregnant. LOL Haven’t had any weird cravings like pickles and ice cream.

Food aversions? Never really had any food aversions so far at least. Smells haven’t bothered me and taste hasn’t really bothered me, but sometimes nothing sounds good but of course I eat anyways. Toothpaste, however, makes me gag and that’s the only times I’ve thrown up so far.

We Found Out the Sex!

We Found Out the Sex!

Two weeks ago we made an appointment and found out the sex of our baby and hadn’t told anyone except our close family and friends. Yesterday I spilled the beans making it official on Facebook.


I should have known.

2 of my 3 sisters who have had kids have all had girls, so I was bound to have a girl as well it seems. lol

My husbands like well now we aren’t having a 2nd, cause I don’t want to be stuck with 2 girls. He’s such a shit ass! I know his mind will probably change once she is here. I am not sure if I’ll be able to handle a second anyways. I guess it all depends on how much I find the birthing process tolerable. ha.

I heard Raspberry Leaf Tea helps the contractions and to make labor go quickly. I just wished there was a way to make the contractions not painful without having to get medication for it.

EEK. decisions on a birthing plan. I don’t even really know where to begin…

Any tips for first-time moms?


My First Ultrasound at 10 weeks 5 days

I had my first ultrasound last week which was reassuring that this is real and is going to happen whether I am 100% ready or not! I am ready age-wise, but mentally I’ve been questioning it. I guess that’s normal with your first child, you’re scared, frightened that you won’t be the best parent, don’t know how you’ll be able to handle the transition from no kids to a baby in just a few months…. eeeerrr. I know we’ll do fine and it’s probably the hormones talking.

So the ultrasound went fine and I was able to see it actually moving around, which was cool. She measured it as well and its measuring a week bigger than what my conception date was. So either we’re going to have a big baby or it happened sooner than we thought. I guess only time will tell, my due date is around April 16, but I guess it can now be anywhere from Apr 9-16 give or take.

The image shot she gave me of the ultrasound is not a very good one, I wished she snapped it when it was moving its arms around and actually looked like a human and less like a blob, but anything is better than nothing I suppose. Baby is extremely healthy she says and is growing like a weed, guess that explains the constant nausea symptoms.



We don’t get to find out the gender until around Nov 27th, which is Thanksgiving so I wonder since we’re a week early if we’ll get to go in earlier to avoid the holiday or if we’ll have to wait til after. The waiting is the killer, but it will go by in no time. Both my husband and I are hoping for a boy since there’s nothing but girls in my family, but we’ll love whichever god gives us.

The awesome thing is, my sister is pregnant too and she finds out the sex on Oct 14. So we’re going to have babies pretty close, at least 5-6 weeks apart. Yay for close cousins!

Until next time…