The Healthy Benefits of Goat Milk Products

The Healthy Benefits of Goat Milk Products

Goat milk products are becoming more popular among consumers who are looking for natural, healthy, and gentle alternatives to conventional skincare products. Goat milk has many benefits for the skin, as it contains nutrients, proteins, fats, and minerals that can nourish, moisturize, and protect the skin. One of the companies that specializes in goat milk products is Bend Soap Company, a family-owned and operated business based in Oregon. In this blog post, I will share some of the benefits of goat milk products from Bend Soap Company and why you should give them a try.


Here are some of the benefits of goat milk products from Bend Soap Company:

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Stay Fortified This Fall Season With Superior Source Vitamins

Stay Fortified This Fall Season With Superior Source Vitamins

Health and wellness go beyond maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise. Taking dietary supplements is one significant aspect of an overall healthy lifestyle. Nutrient supplementation using high-quality products, such as Beet Root Apple Cider Vinegar, B-12, D3+K2, and Zinc Lozenges can greatly enhance overall health. The nutrients contained in these Superior Source vitamins have profound benefits on multiple bodily functions. Here, we’ll discuss each nutrient and why they are crucial for optimal health.

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How to Boost Your Immune System by Starting With Your Gut Health

How to Boost Your Immune System by Starting With Your Gut Health

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

What do think about when you read the words “GUT HEALTH”? Is it fiber and water? Veggie cleanse? Maybe probiotics and prebiotic? I used to think it was so simple!
Your digestive track is completely made up of bacteria good and bad! Ever heard the word micro-biome or leaky gut?
When you have an over production of bad bacteria it can cause a lowered immune system which can make weight loss extremely difficult, cause depression and make your mind foggy, and make you more susceptible to catching colds!

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Breath Right With FEND

Breath Right With FEND

 I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. This post may contain affiliate links.

I am sure we have all experienced breathing issues at one point or another, whether we’re sick or just from everyday contaminants that we’re constantly inhaling. My nostrils aren’t the widest so I sometimes have to use breathing strips at night to open up my airways to get a decent amount of air so that I am not mouth breathing while I sleep. Or I have to constantly blow my nose to get rid of the dreaded boogers during the day. With FEND, I don’t really have to do that anymore as it provides enough moisture to keep my nose clear.


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Why You Should Dispose of Unwanted or Expired Medications

Why You Should Dispose of Unwanted or Expired Medications

This shop has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #AprilDrugTakeBackDayWA

I don’t always get personal on the blog, but when you have a passion for the subject matter, you want to make more people aware so they can avoid the same type of scenario.

I know I have talked about family before who struggled with addiction, but I feel this is super important so I am going to speak out again. In Washington, it’s National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 30th, which is great because there are LifeInCheck Consumer Drug Take-back ™ kiosk to discard unwanted and expired prescription drugs. However, you cannot discard pet medications or needles in the state of Washington.

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