Why You Should Dispose of Unwanted or Expired Medications

Why You Should Dispose of Unwanted or Expired Medications

This shop has been compensated by Inmar Intelligence and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #AprilDrugTakeBackDayWA

I don’t always get personal on the blog, but when you have a passion for the subject matter, you want to make more people aware so they can avoid the same type of scenario.

I know I have talked about family before who struggled with addiction, but I feel this is super important so I am going to speak out again. In Washington, it’s National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 30th, which is great because there are LifeInCheck Consumer Drug Take-back ™ kiosk to discard unwanted and expired prescription drugs. However, you cannot discard pet medications or needles in the state of Washington.

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Agent+ Gets the Natural Cleaning Done!

agent+ cleaner
I received this product from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. This post may contain affiliate links.

With kids constantly putting their fingers in their mouths and not being the most hygienic, it’s an absolute must to be able to safely disinfect without harsh chemicals that most cleaning products contain. You know, the toxic smell that’s bad for your lungs, the residue that gets absorbed into your skin? We shouldn’t be breathing or touching any toxic chemicals, that’s why I love AGent+® for my household since it combined 2 natural elements; copper and silver.

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Goodles, The Gooder Noodle!

Goodles, The Gooder Noodle!
Today’s post featuring a GOODLES has been sponsored by momsmeet.com. Regardless, all opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.

If my kids could eat one thing forever, it would probably be mac and cheese. I mean who doesn’t love mac and cheese? It’s such a tasty, classic staple in everyone’s homes. But what about taking a good thing and making it a little bit healthier like Goodles has done?

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5 Simple Tips to Teach Young Kids About Money

5 Simple Tips to Teach Young Kids About Money

Teaching a 3 and 6-year-old about money may seem like a daunting task that they won’t remember, but even basic money lessons can begin young.

My kids know that money doesn’t grow on trees and that we all have to work for what we have, but does that stop them from wanting everything they see? Nope. LOL

Here are 5 Simple Tips to Teach Young Kids About Money

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Find Health Coverage for Your Way of Living During Open Enrollment with Washington Healthplanfinder

Find Health Coverage for Your Way of Living During Open Enrollment with Washington Healthplanfinder

I’ve partnered with the Washington Healthplanfinder to share information about open enrollment (Nov 1st-December 15th). As always, all opinions are my own.


For the last 2 years, we’ve collaborated with Washington Healthplanfinder, where I shared personal stories and talked about affordable health care after my husband lost his job (below), and where my husband’s previous employer didn’t offer spousal insurance.

We all know 2020/2021 has been a wild ride, to say the least, which could be an understatement for most people. My husband ended up losing his job around March 2020, which meant we lost all of our insurance plans for all 4 of us. We panicked about not being able to afford bills because unemployment was a nightmare to get started, but, thankfully there were resources available to keep us afloat in this time of need.

Since we had a great experience with Washington Healthplanfinder before, we knew they would be the best option for us to sign up for health insurance in the meantime so we would have the financial safeguard if any type of emergency were to suddenly pop up. We didn’t want the possibility of a costly medical bill without health coverage to put us into debt and add more stress to the already stressful 2 years.

With 2 small children, our dream is to be healthy, and we can’t do that without staying active, getting vitamin D outside, eating healthy, taking our minerals and vitamins, and having health coverage to keep ailments at bay

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