Keep Litter Box Odors in Check

Keep Litter Box Odors in Check
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As a first-time mom, you may have thought, she’s in for a real surprise with diaper duty, but little do you know, I am not new to disgusting smells since I have had a cat for 15 years now. I only wished I did something about the smell a little sooner since she’s both an indoor and outdoor cat which requires a litter box. No amount of powder or chemical scents can clear up the smell of cat feces and urine, you’re better off cleaning out the litter box immediately after they go and disposing into the Litter Genie Cat Litter Disposal System.

Setting up the litter genie was simple. Just pull the bag through the center of the refill and tie it in a knot and then push it all the way to the bottom. I suggest using a zip tie or some sort of clamp to tie it so you’re wasting less bag space though.

The Litter Genie has made changing the cat box a breeze! No more hunting down a plastic bag that doesn’t have holes in it, just open up the litter genie and dispose of the cat litter directly into the bag. When your bag is finally full, make sure you pull enough of the bag through so you have room to tie it again. There’s even a handy dandy cutter on the inside so you can cut your bag easily.

My cat pees a lot and I use clumping litter, and these bags hold quite a bit considering the litter genie is not super big.

It  effectively contains the odor which I like. Nothing like going upstairs to the smell of cat poo and wanting to immediately barf. I can’t use scented cat litter either because my cat has asthma, so this contraption was a godsend!

This is kind of like one of those diaper genie items, where you feel like it’s a waste of space and money since you can just take the stink immediately outside, but these really do help contain the smell and less bags going into the landfill since I have only had to change it once every 2 weeks.

It’s worth it and it’s only 18.16 over on Amazon.



  1. Oliver
    / 10:44 AM

    That is a very smart invention. We have two cats, both males, and their litter box smells terrible at times.
    Oliver recently posted…Det bästa med denna tidenMy Profile

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