I haven’t really announced my pregnancy on the blog yet even though I am 25 weeks now. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if I would bring it up on social media to personal Facebook friends since I was scared of disappointment again, but I did it, and I am okay with it since every life created should be a happy and celebratory moment.
I knew I wanted to try again after our miscarriage because I had this empty feeling knowing that I should have been a mother to 2 but instead I was still only a mother of 1. I was ready to try after my first period but knew I should wait a little bit longer to actually grieve and process it all. My husband wanted to wait 6 months just to be on the safe side but we kind of compromised and started in May. I then got pregnant in August.
This time when I shared, I was passed the 12-week mark so I knew that I would be out of the critical time of another miscarriage happening. Now, that didn’t necessarily mean it wouldn’t at any point thereafter; it’s just a slimmer chance of happening after 12 weeks.
And, I am still paranoid with all the can’s and cannot’s during pregnancy that OBGYN’s mention.
Like, you can’t eat lunch meat unless heated up to a certain degree unless you want possible listeria. Mind you, I still eat lunch meat, I am not THAT anal, but I do usually eat it in a grilled cheese sandwich.
Don’t sleep on your back, the weight of the uterus at the halfway point can compress a major blood vessel called the vena cava, disrupting blood flow to your baby and leaving you nauseated, dizzy, and short of breath. Now, that I am paranoid about because I have woken up on my back a few times since sleeping on my side is just not too comfortable anymore. But, I’ve heard as long as it’s not an everyday thing, you should be fine. But one can never be too cautious, especially after already losing a child.
This pregnancy is kind of bittersweet for me since she wouldn’t be possible had I not lost our second. It’s sad to think about but also gives me joy since we were able to have another which is going to be our last.
Yup, we’re having another girl. You may have seen me post it on Facebook or Instagram.
We started too late in life as I’m now 35 and my husband 40 (I blame my husband for that), so we won’t get the chance to experience having a boy, but it’s okay because we were blessed with our 2 precious girls.
We haven’t agreed on a name yet. The names I like, he doesn’t find appealing, and the 2 names he suggested have me going REALLY!? We have one in mind that he mentioned that I want to shorten, but I don’t want to announce it just yet.
And if you’re wondering how this pregnancy differed from my previous ones, it is very similar to when I was pregnant with my 1st daughter; just nausea and extreme fatigue. The second pregnancy nothing looked and sounded good. I had a hard time wanting to eat food and definitely couldn’t eat anything sweet. It tasted absolutely disgusting. I felt going by just that that I was carrying a boy, but we’ll never know since I never asked if they could tell when I had a D&C.
So just know, there is light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark it may seem after a miscarriage. And do know that having a miscarriage doesn’t higher your chances of having another one the next time you try.
I wish you all good luck on having your rainbow baby if you’ve experienced a miscarriage at any point and are struggling with trying to process it all and conceive again.
Congratulations on the second baby! I have been where you are and I know how painful it is to lose a baby. Enjoy this pregnancy and just relax.
How wonderful to hear you have a rainbow baby on the way! As both a woman that is extremely close to her sister and the mother of two daughters myself, you are going to love watching the bond between your girls.
Congratulations on your rainbow baby. I can’t imagine all the feelings that must be going through your head right now, sending you lots of love.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Congratulations on the newest addition. Choosing names can be hard sometimes. With my youngest daughter I did not end up picking a name until I saw her.
I am SO sorry you lost a baby. I did as well decades ago and understand the pain and hesitation of announcing this pregnancy. Blessings to your family and good health for this pregnancy and little one!
Awwww…congrats on your second princess!! I’m so sorry about your miscarriage. I know there is nothing anyone can say to make it better but know that I am praying for you!!
Congrats on a new baby. I think it’s totally normal to be worried about a loss.
I am so happy for you. I hope you have an easy second half of your pregnancy. I bet you will come up with a lovely name.
Congrats! While I never went through anything like what you have, I can only imagine everything you were feeling.
Congrats!!! Even without a miscarriage, I worried more about my 2nd pregnancy than I did my 1st. I actually had to sleep sitting up through half my pregnancy because it hurt to lay on my side… I was worried about the sleeping on my back thing too.
Congratulations on the second baby. Enjoy your pregnancy and take care. Here’s hoping and praying for a safe delivery.
There’s actually still plenty of time to try for a boy. Senator Tammy Duckworth will be 50 when she gives birth.
That is true, but my husband didn’t want any kids 40+ LOL
Congratulations on having another girl. Going through a pregnancy after miscarriage can be so stressful. The first few months were very hard for me I kept thinking every little thing was a sign that I was going to miscarry again. Once I hit my second trimester I felt more at ease and was able to relax for the rest of my pregnancy.
Aww so exciting! I wish you the best with your new baby girl.
Thank you for sharing your Pregnancy After Miscarriage post. I commend you for sharing such a delicate story with the world. Wishing you many blessings with your baby! 🙂
What do you look forward to most when your little girl is born?
This is so encouraging! We have been through the same and your story brings us hope. Are you planning an update soon?
Hi I’m 3 week pregnant just I’m so excited to have my 2 pregnancy and happy family. So just I need take care and praying everyday for a safe