If you figure it out, let me know…
No really. My 2-year-old daughter is a dairy lovin’, carb stuffin’, peanut butter and fruit crammin’ machine. Oh, and of course a chocolate fiend. Those food groups are pretty much what I can get her to eat right now, IF that.
When I can, I try to sneak the veggies (which she instantly finds on her plate) into a smoothie; that way she never knows and she gets the nutrients and vitamins she needs to power through her day.
The one thing I can get her to eat without a fuss, though, is HappyBaby Baby’s First Whole Milk Yogurt. She loves it because it tastes good. I love it because it has no added sweeteners, contains vitamin d, probiotics, protein, vitamins and is USDA Certified Organic. It’s the perfect food for 6 months and on up!
I actually tasted it as well and you can definitely tell no added sugar was put in this since it’s not as sweet tasting as other yogurts, which is a plus in my book!
For my picky little eater though, I do try to incorporate foods that she doesn’t particularly like, hence the yellow bell pepper veggies on her plate, but she, of course, spotted them immediately and said, “no peppers!” I may or may not have told her they were fruit strips so she’d try a bite, but, she immediately gave me the evil toddler glare after she crunched down on it so I probably won’t try that again.
You can now get this HappyBaby Baby’s First Yogurt at Walmart in the refrigerated section. And while you’re at it, save this $1.00 iBotta Offer to your account so you can redeem for it later with your receipt.
So, What Do You Feed a Picky Toddler?
It’s like she sees stuff and immediately doesn’t want to try it because it doesn’t look appealing. Perhaps, I should try making stuff into fun shapes or characters and give that a go. Not sure why I never thought of that before.
Do you have any tips or ideas on how to get your toddler to eat healthier foods?
It’s great that there is a yogurt for children with no added sugar. These days everything has sugar. I agree that blending vegetables into smoothies is a great idea!
Your lil girl is ADORABLE!! I’ve got a somewhat picky eater too – and think she would love this yogurt. I love the added probiotics and nutrition for sure.
When my boys were ittle I had to find ways of sneaking some healthy stuff into their diets. It was rough, especially since we lived in the inner city and healthy food options were almost non-exsitant.
omgosh every parent’s issue i swear. my question is, though, what do you feed a picky pre-teen? It’s hard to make 3 and 4 versions of meals to accommodate different taste palettes plus allergies…
LOL please tell me this isn’t true.
oh man, I figure by the preteen stage they would grow out of being picky and just eat anything and everything. I won’t be making different meals to accommodate both of my kids, so they better like it. 😉
I’m way past this stage as a mom but I couldn’t help but look for more advice and tips like you. Certainly, my grandkids will all go through this phase, I’m glad something like this HappyBaby yogurt exists, will make things easier!
The yogurt sounds so good, and no added sugar is a plus. My elder one was okay but the little one is very picky when it comes to eating. Your little girl is so adorable 🙂
I never fibbed to my kids about what they were eating – but I would frequently give foods fun names. My son loved trees and cheese (broccoli and cheese), little baby cabbage heads (brussel sprouts), and other fun named foods. They are both adults now and enjoy eating healthy foods. To this day, they both call yogurt “Gooey”. LOL
Yeah, she sees anything green and won’t even try it. I eat broccoli frequently and I call it a tree, try to give her some ranch with it and nope.
Sounds like a super product for the little ones! I think when it comes to feeding picky children just put out an assortment of things with a variety of tastes and textures. They’ll soon get used to vegetables. My eldest (now 18!) used to love raw broccoli ‘trees’. 🙂
I know toddlers or even children don’t enjoy veggies no matter in what way you dress them. The key is to cut them into fun sizes and make it look like the two of you are playing a game. Hopefully, she gets to eat them that way. Sometimes feeding them the desired nutrients can be like pulling teeth, but rooting for you Mummy!
Oh, boy, children and food… don’t get me started. My children used to eat so healthy as toddlers. I could give them all kind of fruits and veggies and they’ll eat them without problem. now they are starting to be more and more picky and they develope their prefferences, of course it is a good thing. What is not so good is that they prefer all the unk and unhealthy food! So it is WAR every meal.
Picky eaters can be tough … I don’t have kids but this sounds like a good option!
❥ tanvii.com
I wish I had some advice to help you but both of my children are picky eaters too, I like the idea of cutting food into shapes I might try that one 🙂
I don’t have any children but I can imagine it’s quite difficult when you have picky eaters. I bet this is really useful to other people.
I dealt with picky eater as well, but thanks goodness we’re over it now. My 9-year-old kid eats more food than before; I guess it’s the stage of growing up.
I used to be a picky eater growing up (I’m still pretty picky) but I know it irritated my parents growing up!
Amazing post! I will buy some for my children. Do you have any cool recipes for children who hate veggies?