So whenever I have a little free time, I have been using it to put together these paper mobiles with a friend of mine who’s also “Jenn”. I originally started one for my sisters baby shower since I thought it was creative and cute. The first one took forever since we were just starting out, but now that we got another method down it doesn’t take too long once we get into rhythm and keep baby occupied at the same time (thank god for gigglebellies on youtube)
We don’t just make paper mobiles though, we do button animals/shapes/letters on canvas, banners for birthdays, baby showers, weddings, kids rooms/nurseries, paper cupcake toppers, typography on photo paper and more. If we can think of it, we’ll probably do it.
I have so many DIY crafty designs running through my head, but don’t want to get too ahead of myself here until we start making some sells since there’s no point in having all of these items sit around with no one to buy them.
Which is why I am posting and sharing here. We need to get our name out there, if you’d like, please go give us a favorite on Etsy, we’d really appreciate it.

We can do custom designs as well, so if you have something in mind and want to work with us, let us know in the comments or you can send us a message over on our Make it Cute Facebook page. Once we reach 100 likes on Facebook we’ll have a fan discount.