Local Eats: Barlow’s Public House

Local Eats: Barlow’s Public House

Is there really a life after kids? Not really! Lol

I commend those that somehow find the time or the babysitter to take care of the kiddos, but over here, date nights are so rare with my husband that I feel like we’re back at square one and don’t even know how to have adult conversations anymore. They all consist of the girls or things our girls like. It’s almost awkward, so if anyone has any advice, I am all ears! 😂

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A Microwave, an Air Fryer and a Convection Oven all-in-one, Oh My!

A Microwave, an Air Fryer and a Convection Oven all-in-one, Oh My!

I’ve been compensated in the form of a best buy gift card, however, all thoughts are my own.

When you’re a parent, you want easy and convenient ways to make meals even if that means spending a little to get it. I have been ordering grocery delivery service for a while now and although I dislike paying the service/delivery fee, it helps me keep my sanity by avoiding the store with my small kids. To me it’s well worth it, kind of like this new Breville Combi Wave 3-in-1 combination Microwave that Air Fries and is a convection oven.

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Avoid Plastic Water Bottles and Live #BetterWithBrita

Brita longlast

This post is sponsored by Brita, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Even though Earth Day has come and passed this year, I still try to make it a point to do something that makes our lives cleaner and ends up leaving less of a footprint here on earth.
Sometimes convenience gets in the way when we’re on the go, but we do try to avoid one of the biggest sources of plastic waste, you guessed it… water bottles.

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Choice Matters: Plan Against Pain During Child Birth

Choice Matters: Plan Against Pain During Child Birth

I received this educational information and assets from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.


I knew from the get-go what type of pain management I would be having when giving birth to my 2nd daughter. Even though I had a vaginal delivery both times, the pain was less the 2nd go around and all I took was Ibuprofen and Tylenol. The nurses did give me oxycodone during my 1st delivery, but it did nothing for pain and actually made me feel sick. I opted to never take another one of those again since Ibuprofen and ice were enough to relieve my pain.

But, what happens if you have a C-section? Do you have a choice?

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There’s Nothing a Vitamix Blender Can’t Handle

There’s Nothing a Vitamix Blender Can’t Handle

I received this product for free from Moms
Meet to use and post my honest opinion. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

The Vitamix E310 may be a budget model without all of the bells and whistles, but it can still blend up and create some pretty great things like; body butter, bread, salsa, nut butters, soups, smoothies and much more.

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