Since Arya is still breastfeeding at 13 months and likes to play with things while doing it (including clawing at my face), I wanted to try out this pacifier clip.
Its so cute, and doubles as a teether as well, which is good, because she literally wants to chew on everything she can get her hands on; including the corkboard type material underneath our coasters and her cardboard books. UGH!
I knew we’d be traveling, so I wanted to get something like this for the plane rides and for when we’re out and about in the stroller. Something to occupy her that she won’t lose, since it easily clips to her shirt. (We ended up losing her first favorite teether while in Vegas and we’re both pretty sad about it)
The first time I clipped it, I must not have gotten it right, because she pulled it right off.
The second time I put it deeper onto the shirt and didn’t have any issues.
Love it!
Thanks Jesentials for providing this free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion.
This is such a cute idea. I love that it is in a clip, makes traveling with it a bit easier. I bet the babies love this thing!
Melissa Dixon recently posted…Tips for How to Paint a Room
VERY cute! I would have love one of these if I had a girl! It is SO much better than a little string and a nuk!
Jeanette recently posted…Ways to Avoid Running Out of Essentials
Oh that is the cutest pacificer clip yet! I love it!
Really cute, and it looks really necessary for babies. I’m going to have to get this for my friend who’s having a baby.
This is a cute pacifier clip. I wish it was around when my daughter was a baby. She was the queen of throwing the pacifier and losing it.
Christy Garrett recently posted…20 Tricks to Make Your Camping Trip a Success if You Suffer from Chronic Pain or Illness
I think this is a really neat product. It would be great for those teething babies. I wish I would have had this when my daughters were younger.
This is the cutest pacifier that I have seen. This would make a great baby shower gift idea.
That is just the cutest and prettiest pacifier that I’ve seen. And you just gave me an idea of what to give to my friend for her baby. 🙂
wow that’s really cute! the things for babies and parents they make these days! wish this was around when my kids where babies!
Eloise recently posted…The Power Of Love
This is exactly what I need for my son! Its not in my country though – I am so sad! My son is teething and wants to put everything in his mouth.
Such a beautiful piece! I need to get something like this for my son during our trips! It would be a lifesaver!
This is genius, babies always go after jewelry. Now they can have cute chew/bite friendly jewelry on. I would have totally gotten this for my daughter.
WHat a cute pacifier clip. My baby is still on pacifiers and I bet this would look cute on her..heehee