Week 10 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program: 20lbs Down!

Today is week 10 on Nutrisystem and I must inform anyone who wants to get started on Nutrisystem that you may have digestive issues. Half of the meals are dehydrated, and my stomach has finally toned down on the gas and the really bad bowel movements that were extremely painful. I am not sure if it’s because of the food or if it was something else but it lasted about a month. I think I have finally gotten used to…

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Week 9 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program

I can’t believe 9 weeks have come and gone by already! Where does the time go? I blame the low .7lb loss on St. Patrick’s Day. I had to go out and celebrate the “let’s go out and get drunk day even if you’re not Irish.” Although I am, so it’s more fun for me. I had quite a few alcohol beverages, so I was surprised I still lost ounces. Thanks to Nutrisystem, I can go out, have fun, and…

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Week 8 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program

I know a promised good results once I got my elliptical, but that didn’t seem to happen, because I keep going up and down in weight. I am not sure if it’s because I am gaining muscle, and muscle is more dense and compact resulting in a higher weight than fat or if it’s just my weekly go out and have dinner days. I don’t usually order anything that is going to hinder my weight loss, but the scale usually…

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