Another holiday season has come and gone…
You may be wondering how I can go from celebrating to not celebrating? It’s called marrying someone who’s family are Jehovah Witnesses. They believe that most holidays fall into one of three categories and all three are wrong. These 3 categories are false religious holidays, political holidays, and holidays that honor anyone or any human/organization other than God. They don’t even do birthdays, which to me is something that I will always do regardless. Christmas on the other hand is no big deal to me since it’s a bunch of commercialized crap where parents compete every year on getting the hottest electronics and toys for their minions. Plus, it saves me tons of money. You know how many nieces and nephews I have now? 5!! I’m expecting a million more since I have 5 siblings and 2 don’t even have kids yet.
It was a little difficult for me to just stop completely after I met my husband, so I continued to celebrate even though he wanted no part in it. I loved helping with decorations and setting up the fresh Christmas tree in the house when growing up. I think that’s what I miss most about it. Getting gifts are nice, but its more about giving than receiving, plus, who wants a hideous Christmas sweater and some dry fruit cake? Although, that seems to be the new “cool” thing to get now, so people can post pictures of themselves on Facebook in their hideous ensemble.
You may be wondering if we get offended if someone wishes us a Merry Christmas, like the door greeters at shopping malls or “acquaintances” who don’t actually know about my husband’s religious beliefs?
And what is there to do on Christmas when you don’t celebrate?
I will always have my memories though, even if I don’t get to make them with my future children.