Moving my daughter to the big tub, I had concerns about getting the water temp correctly, so I opted for a bath thermometer that looked fun but does the job. This turtle bath thermometer definitely does what it says it does.
I put it in the tub after having the water run for a minute and the LED quickly turned blue and the degrees started to rise and stayed that color all the way to 95 degrees. I figured 90’s would be about right, but little did I know, I was making her bath water a little too cold according to the package details. When the LED screen turns green with the degree, then it’s just right and then it will go to red for too hot.
My daughter loves playing with it too, well more like holding onto it while in the tub and doesn’t let go, not even when we take her out. She loves this thing, may even persuade me to get a real turtle when she’s a little bit older.
So far I haven’t had any battery corroding issues nor LED display issues that some other folks have had, but I shall update if I do!