The night before I went into labor, I wrote my previous post about how she wasn’t here yet and scheduled it to post the day she decided to come. Guess she was ready to make her appearance after all.
My Birth Story
At about 5:30 am I woke up to menstrual cramps that kept happening every 5 minutes. I knew this was probably going to be the day because this is the first time I’ve experienced the stopping and the starting of the cramps. I got up cause I couldn’t sleep through them, went and showered since people say that it helps, but it didn’t really.
I then started getting last minute things ready in my hospital bag and got on the computer to talk to my sister to ask her what I should do. At about 7:00, the contractions started to become more painful but weren’t exactly coming and going at the same intervals. If this wasn’t labor, I don’t know what is…
At about 9 am, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I woke my husband up and told him that we need to get ready to go and arrived at the hospital about 9:45 and checked into a birthing room at about 10 because the exam rooms were all filled. That was fine though since they checked me and I was at 5-6 cm, so I would have been staying anyways.
The nurse who was on that shift told me I should probably walk around some to speed things up, so we ended up doing that for about an hour; having to stop every couple of minutes through each contraction.