Baby girl is 1 years old now

Baby girl is 1 years old now

Baby girl turned a year on the 19th, and even tho my husband is against birthday parties because of religious beliefs, I told him we were doing it anyways. He’s always going to his friends birthday gatherings, so there’s no reason we can’t celebrate the birth of our daughter.

If his family knew tho, I’m pretty sure they’d all be upset, which is why I never posted any birthday pics on Facebook. But I can here since it’s my own personal outlet that they don’t really know about. And if they find out, oh well, I’m sorry. My religious beliefs are not the same. Although I believe in god, I think the whole non birthday celebration thing is silly. The reasoning behind it is because 2 celebrations of birthdays in the bible resulted in murder. Unfortunate, but that was a different time period…

Anyways, Arya’s birthday was good even though she was sick and not feeling up for it. We made it work though, and she always enjoys seeing her cousins who are close in age. We ended up bbq’n and enjoying the nice 80 degree weather that day.


She didn’t really want anything to do with the cupcake, but she was sick, so I’m assuming that partially had something to do with her dislike to try her sugary treat.

She still only has 6 teeth.

Is starting to say mama more frequently.

Is walking without us coaxing her, but still enjoys crawling.

She can now say kitty kitty. She recognizes them on TV and will randomly say kitty kitty really fast. It’s so cute!

She also says tickle tickle and will try to tickle us back.

She understands the word clap and will start clapping if I say it.

She also loves patty cake and loves grabbing my hands to make them clap.

She’s been extra clingy lately, not sure if it got worse cause she was sick or what. But I hear separation anxiety starts around this time. I literally can’t go to the bathroom without a freak out. Not sure why babies feel like we’re leaving them but I try to reassure her I’m not going anywhere. Lol its exhausting but part of motherhood.

Even though there are days where I need a break or two, I love this little baby to pieces.

My baby girl is growing up.. she’s so stinking cute

Shop ModCloth for All Your Mother’s Day Needs!

Shop ModCloth for All Your Mother’s Day Needs!

Mother’s Day is almost right around the corner, which means you’re probably scrambling to find the perfect most thoughtful gift you can for the woman who birthed you. Am I right? Look no further, because ModCloth has you covered with everyday useful items like beauty/body products, clothing, home decor and tons more!

Some items that would make a perfect gift are:

  1. The Em-pourer strikes back mug in Leia – Who doesn’t love Star Wars?
  2. Open Air Enjoyment Picnic Basket – Perfect gift for those who love spending time with their significant others/family out and about.
  3. Luck Be a Lady Dress in Black – Can’t get anymore classic than this. So cute!
  4. Camp Director Tote in Mint – Mint is a hot color right now, I absolutely adore it!
  5. Unwind outdoors hammock – Great idea for those that have the space and need to unwind after a hard day! I wished I had one.

unwind hammock modcloth

If these ideas don’t do it for you, there’s plenty more to choose from on ModCloth. Go check them out!

Simplify Spring Cleaning With the Shark 2-in-1 Blast & Scrub Steam Pocket Mop!

Simplify Spring Cleaning With the Shark 2-in-1 Blast & Scrub Steam Pocket Mop!

It’s that time of year when the flowers start to bloom, the weather warms up, the birds chirp and the sound of lawn mowers give us a morale boost to get busy decluttering our homes and yards.  Boy, do I not like all the spring cleaning, but I do enjoy the end result.


Having a little one to take care of 24/7 that now involves a constant tornado with the trail she leaves behind her, results in an overly tired mom who just wants to do things simple.

One thing I hate doing is mopping. It’s gross, takes too much time to ring out the hand held mop, and you get to redo it over and over until the floor is semi clean. I say semi, because a mop and bucket just transfers the dirtiness right back onto the floor which is why I wanted something that was going to produce sanitary results, like this fancy Shark 2-in-1 Blast & Scrub Steam Pocket Mop.

I have 3 bathrooms to mop, 2 of which are linoleum, the other ceramic tile, a linoleum kitchen and a hardwood entryway. It’s A LOT of mopping, so I definitely needed something more simplified yet effective and this Shark 2-in-1 Blast & Scrub Steam Pocket Mop is just that!


I first started with my ceramic tile bathroom because I wanted to try it out in the shower as well. It was pretty easy to get going. All I needed to do was plug it in, fill the water in the front tank up to the fill line, push the spray button on the tank to either low or high and off I went. This thing moved smoothly and it was super easy to get all the corners and around the toilet because the mop head swivels.

My end result was this… IMG_1306

and that was just with one cleaning.

There are lots of things that I like about this steam mop

  1. The pad is machine washable.
  2. The pad has 2 sides, one with this softer mop head type feel (shown above), and the other side has strips that are like a scrubbing pad with cotton in between for a more deep clean.
  3. Is lightweight and durable construction with swivel steering for enhanced maneuverability
  4. Converts into a handheld steamer for above-floor cleaning

The last one I am pretty excited about because the top of the fridge gets dusty and grimy from grease, so converting it into the handheld to get on top of the fridge clean has been a lifesaver since nothing seems to make it better other than a crap ton of chemicals that I am trying to limit in the house. I feel like I can pretty much steam everything now and have confidence that my home is more sanitary for my little one to crawl around in.

This steam mop just uses water, no harsh chemicals and it should only be used on sealed flooring. You don’t want to warp or damage your flooring because they’re not sealed.

This worked great on our linoleum, lifted up a bunch of dust that apparently my broom missed. And also worked great on the hardwood flooring at the entryway which gets a lot of traction.

Spring cleaning doesn’t get any simpler than this folks.

…Fill it up with water.

Plug it in.

and off you go.