Our late anniversary present this year is a vacation to Hawaii. My husband was talking about going there back in may but I knew I couldn’t rely on him to actually follow thru, so when my parents gave us some money from their inheritance, I decided we were going, and we booked our trip in September. We’ll be staying at the Hilton waikiki village resort with an ocean view room. There’s even a lagoon and like 5 swimming pools.
I think we may be a little crazy to take an infant on a 6 hour plane ride though, but we figured it’s better to do it now rather than when she’s mobile. Although, lately, she’s been trying to throw herself off of our laps. I just hope she behaves on the plane and doesnt have any blow outs. Even though I haven’t used an airplane bathroom, I know they’re small and it’s not going to be pleasant.
Please lord let us get through this flight safe and sound.
I get extreme anxiety when flying and hitting any sort of turbulence will make it 10x worse.
I’ll just think happy thoughts of 84 degree weather, pretty beaches and Mai tais with little umbrellas.
Less than 3 days now. YAY!!!!