Fall Coffee Mugs on Etsy

Fall Coffee Mugs on Etsy

It’s that time again!

Fall is in the air, the leaves are changing and pumpkin spice has already begun!

I wish I had more hours in the day to create coffee mug designs, but my time is occupied by a needy toddler and chores. I think I need to hire a maid for a day every couple of weeks since cleaning is such a drag! Lol

If you love fall and coffee as much as I do, then you’ll love these fall coffee mugs on Etsy.

You may not like this one if you’re one of those weird people who loathes pumpkin anything. I mean, who doesn’t love pumpkin spice lattes!? Oh yeah, my weird friend Jennifer!

Pumpkin spice coffee mug

What’s the craziest Pumpkin Spice product you’ve seen?


This is one of my favorite movies to watch on TV everytime Halloween rolls around. Hocus Pocus is a Halloween classic!!

I’m contemplating putting different quotes with the Sanderson sisters image. So if “I put a spell on you” doesn’t exactly suit your fancy, I can accommodate others as long as the quote fits.

What’s your favorite Halloween movie?


The pumpkin king is here! I love Tim Burtons’ Nightmare Before Christmas and would love to live just like Jack and Sally.

Jack skellington coffee mug

Jack skellington coffee mug

I bet most of you can relate with the nightmare before coffee

I’m usually grumpy and sluggish until I get my daily dose of caffeine.

I’ll be doing a coffee recipe post coming up soon, so be on the lookout for that.

You can find these coffee mugs, plus a variey of others over at my Jenn Makes it Cute Etsy Store.

Have an idea in mind? Let us know.